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Who Did You Say it Was?

Current Chapter - Round 1: Clash of the Russians

Who Did You Say it Was?


Episode published on Wednesday 6th of February, 2008.

By Tenkyougan

Tenkyougan kindly drew this page for me after round 1, to show the modifications for the Deathbot. It needed modifying, really! I did the words for Tenk on this page, so blame me for the use of Comic Sans MS (the cursed font!). I'm sure he has more sense than I did.

Oh Greg. You do crack me up, you wacky Russian, you.

You can view (and comment if you have a deviantART account) the original version of this page here.


  • Gregorovich Tjernikov XV copyright © Tenkyougan.
  • Jay (1st panel on left) copyright © Asgar19.
  • Steffi (1st panel middle) copyright © ShikakuSuika.
  • Arthur McMath (1st panel on right) copyright © DRa90NBoi.
  • Tremor (robot walking into wall, panel 2) copyright © Degulus.
  • Ref Gregory (speeding past, panel 6) copyright © Electromancer.



PANEL: A bar at MTX. On the wall behind it is the word "WELCOME". A muscular chap sits on one of the bar stools, leaning on one hand. Next to him a yound girl with curly hair, Steffi, attempts to mount the stool next to him. To her left the young boy Jay watches her struggle, unimpressed. The cycloptic robot bartender appears confused by the girl's struggling.

PANEL: Ralph and Gyrode walk down a corridor in MTX. Behind them a robot, Tremor, walks face-first into a wall. Ralph appears characteristically annoyed while Gyrode seems pleased with himself.
Ralph: Okay, so we got away from that jerk with the spikes. Now what was it you wanted to show me?
Gyrode: You'll see...

PANEL: At the door to the Deathbot's hangar, Gyrode prepares to open it. He has one hand on his lower jaw in anticipation. Ralph is unnerved.
Gyrode: Just feast your eyes on-

PANEL: The Deathbot stands in the hangar. It has a complete head again, having been patched with a plate with an eye drawn on it that looks like Ralph's evil eye. It is also sporting longer shoulder pads and its drills are now diamond-tipped.
Gyrode: -THIS!

PANEL: Gregorovich leans out of the Deathbot's mouth, waving.
Gregorovich: Aoh, hillu Doctah Ghyrowd!

PANEL: Ralph facepalms. Gyrode's eyes sparkle as he clenches a fist in a smitten anime-like manner.
Ralph: Pardon me, but...

PANEL: Ralph snaps at Gyrode, a vein throbbing in his head. Gyrode snaps his fingers, smiling.
Ralph: WHAT is that buffoon doing here, you arsewipe?!
Gyrode: Oh, well, since Deathbot was damaged in the battle, I asked him to tune it up. Gregorovich, if you would?

PANEL: Gregorovich explains his modifications, arms gesturing to the mech.
INSET PANEL: A close-up of one of the diamond-tipped drills.
Gregorovich: Auf corwse! De drillz ahve bin uhpgrayded. De tipsch ahr riplaysed bai tou ohf de Gigillikrov'sch teef; asch wud bi achspectad, dey kan nao piirz de wallz liek wurm buttehr. Ay'm shoore yow'll sii de foll extint ohf deir powah nekscht raund.
INSET PANEL: A close-up of one of the new shoulder pads; it has a long pointed tail from the main pad.
Gregorovich: Frankli, yoor shuldergaards wir wholli inahdequeit, sho ay replaysed dem wif ah peir resambling Gigil'sch. Dey shood bi aible tuh diflact moist attecks.
INSET PANEL: A close up of the new, Ralph-themed replacement head patch.
Gregorovich: Faynelli, schinz mai mech otterly wracked yehr hed, ay repeiyred et. Ay fink yoo liek eet, Ralf, yersh?