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Beautiful Dystopia

Current Chapter - Round 1: Clash of the Russians

Beautiful Dystopia


Episode published on Wednesday 13th of February, 2008.

By Degulus

The third in the "hotel hallway" trilogy by Degulus (at least, that's what I call it). This page doesn't feature the Docs, but it does feature Mr. Caster, another sinister villain. In terms of villainy, he's the more traditional James Bond type villain, except that instead of death traps he just has the hero shot for trespassing. And then sues the hero's organisation for infringement of privacy. And then buys the country the hero came from so he can replace the government with his own lackeys. Or something.

Steel Nation was abundant in villains, which I thought was marvellous. There's nothing more I like to see than a whole bunch of conniving, sinister types trying to outdo each other, which is why I liked the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy, presumably (other than the fact that pirates are waaaaay cooler than ninjas).

You can view (and comment if you have a deviantART account) the original version of this page here.




TITLE: Act 2-3: Beautiful Dystopia

PANEL: In his hotel room, an old man in a smart black, yellow and blue coat stands with his hands behind his back. This is Caster.
Caster: Am I to assume that the speeches you gave outside my door-

PANEL: Grenner stands in the doorway having just entered the dark hotel room.
Grenner: Were for your benefit; that would be correct, Mr. Caster.

PANEL: Caster keeps his back to Grenner, looking unimpressed.
Caster: Well played, really...giving away your life story to Dr. Bird and Mr. Castleroch...and explaining your work to those two fools...all to skip right to the cahse in here. But wasn't that a bit careless?

PANEL: Grenner smiles as he gestures openly with both hands.
Grenner: At this time of day, nearly everyone is either in the hangars or eating; this place is essentially deserted...that's part of why I asked to meet you here, I'm sure you have much nicer accomodations.

PANEL: Grenner pauses, folding his arms and placing a hand on his face in thought.
Grenner (thinking): Not to mention, of course, that it was Dr. Santris' plan to meet in this exact room at this exact time...I wonder when he found out that I'd meet those four in the hallway.

PANEL: Caster replies to Grenner.
Caster: Well...I now know a lot about you, Mr. Grenner, but you left one bit out...what do you want from me?

PANEL: Grenner lowers his hand from his face.
Grenner: Well that part was best left to be delivered in person. I know quite a bit about you as well, Mr. Caster.

PANEL: Grenner continues.
Grenner: I know that you are quite wealthy...on the verge of ruling this entire world...some say you already do. And I know that it's bored the hell out of you.

PANEL: Grenner excitedly gestures with both hands.
Grenner: What's the point in winning the game when it's not one worth playing?

PANEL: Grenner continues talking to Caster's back.
Caster: I can't deny that it's dull.
Grenner: I've come here offering something more.

PANEL: Grenner leans forward, sincerely.
Grenner: I offer you excitement and adventure...a new world to conquer at the price of the old.

PANEL: Grenner leans in further still, hands across his chest.
Grenner: A death to this bland world of paper and coin.

PANEL: Grenner gestures his hands to the sky, leaning back.
Grenner: I offer you the opportunity to create a beautiful dystopia of stone and blood where power rules rather than meaningless money.

PANEL: Grenner slices the air horizontally with a hand.
Grenner: This is the grand dream of Dr. Santris. The driving purpose of Santris Industries. We shall make a world worth living in...and watch from the sidelines as a new king is crowned.

PANEL: Grenner extends a hand towards Santris dramatically.
Grenner: I ask you...perhaps to join us...perhaps to be that king...such things are a personal choice.

PANEL: Caster, still with his back to Grenner, remains unimpressed.
Caster: Is that all?

PANEL: Breaking out of his dramatic performance, Grenner is stunned.
Grenner: Wh-what? How can that be all you have to say?

PANEL: Grenner's perspective on the back of Caster.
Caster: You've asked me to destroy everything I have worked my whole life to attain. You ask me to destroy this world that I rule.

PANEL: Caster leans his head forward.
Caster: It's idiotic to think someone like me would have any interest in a plan like that.

PANEL: Caster smiles uncharacteristically.
Caster: But...

PANEL: Caster clenches a fist, bringing it up in front of himself.
Caster: It would be fun.

PANEL: Grenner grins.
Grenner: So you are saying that-

PANEL: Caster returns to his usual dour expression, arms behind his back.
Caster: What I am saying, Mr. Grenner, is that this isn't a decision I'll make lightly.

PANEL: Caster stretches a fist outwards dramatically.
Caster: If you've nothing left to say you can leave...you'll have my answer soon enough.

PANEL: Grenner smiles, gesturing with a hand.
Grenner: HAHA! Yes, be sure to RSVP the end of the world, Mr. Caster. We wouldn't want you to miss the party. Just don't forget one thing.

PANEL: Grenner is suddenly serious in his demeanour.
Grenner: Just as you won't make your decision lightly we did not make this offer lightly. You are one of the pillars holding up the old world...you are quite poised to oppose us.

PANEL: Smiling, Grenner places a hand on his beard.
Grenner: But that is who you are in the world...who you are as a man...has you just as likely to help us. It goes without saying, but if we are not friends then we are enemies. Keep that in mind, Mr. Caster.

PANEL: Fist still outstretched, Caster smiles again.
Caster: And it goes without saying that even that would be fun.
Grenner: HAHA! Glad we see eye-to-eye, Mr. Caster...so very glad indeed.