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Deathbot 1.2 Reference

Current Chapter - Round 1: Clash of the Russians

Deathbot 1.2 Reference


Episode published on Thursday 7th of February, 2008.

The reference sheet for the modified Deathbot. The mods were heavily influenced by Tenkyougan's Gigil Mk. III, to reflect Greg's influence into allying with the Docs.

I drew this up quickly for my second round opponent to refer to when creating their entry.

Gregorovich Tjernikov XV and Gigil Mk. III copyright © Tenkyougan.

P.S. I know that the development numbering system really doesn't work like how I did it. I called it "1.2" because of the two mods and because it simply sounds better than "1.1". Besides, the Docs probably don't care much for labelling their mech accurately (or anything, for that matter).



TITLE: Deathbot 1.2

IMAGE: The Deathbot, almost identical to its previous incarnation but with a new minor changes.


  • Since most of the head's casing was chewed off by the Gigil, a new plate has been riveted into place. The completely aesthetic eye design is possibly the only new addition Ralph entirely agrees with.
  • New, much better shoulderpads made up to the spec of the Gigil Unit III. They also act as shields.
  • Oh look! New, bigger diamond-tip drill points. Yes, they used to be 2 of the Gigil's teeth. Now the drills will penetrate most metals like a hot knife through butter.
  • Nothing else has changed, so please do refer to the Deathbot 1.0 reference sheet for any other details.

IMAGE 2: Greg's beaming face.


These changes come courtesy of Gregorovich Tjernikov XV. Remember, the Likrov Corporation should be your first choice for mech enhancements provided by a goofy Russian engineer.