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Violent Girls

Current Chapter - Round 1: Clash of the Russians

Violent Girls


Episode published on Friday 8th of February, 2008.

By Asgar19

The second spectator entry by Asgar19 to feature Ralph doing what he does. In fact, this scene will crop up again in a few pages, as I liked this page so much that I just had to reference it. Asgar19, as far as I understand, is quite the fan of Ralph. I'm awfully flattered.

In case you didn't realise, the girl with the pink hair (ShikakuSuika's Steffi Frohlich) lost to Asgar19's Jay. If you're interested in all this backstory, you can see Asgar19's round 1 and compare it to ShikakuSuika's round 1 and decide for yourself which is the better entry. *coughAsgar19'scoughcough*

The Docs did receive one last cameo before round 2, and I would have loved to feature it here in full-page glory, but alas it is not a very complete piece and thus I will not be uploading it here. However, I urge you to read it here - it features the Docs (and Greg) explaining to a hired singer about the tensions amongst the Steel Nation pilots, including *GASP* murder! (DUN DUN DUNN!) I mention it here as it has one of the most delightful renditions of Ralph I've ever seen, as he looks a lot like the Penguin from the Batman Animated Series! It's truly a shame that the artist decided not to continue with their spectator entry storyline, I would have liked to have seen more (Meika, the artist, actually was a contestant until they lost in round 1...in fact their pilot was killed rather dramatically. Read it here if you wish).

You can view (and comment if you have a deviantART account) the original version of this page here.




PANEL: Jay approaches Steffi, who is curled up in a ball blubbering her eyes out.
Narrator: MTX Centre - Black Division
Jay: Uhm...
Steffi: Buh-huh-

PANEL: Steffi looks up, angrily.
Steffi: YOU!!! You've tricked me! I lost that whole tournament just because YOU! You...you...

PANEL: Steffi kicks Jay in the ankle using her metal leg.
Jay: Urg!
Steffi: Meanie!

PANEL: Jay curls up on the floor, clutching his leg in pain and drooling. Steffi places her hands on her hips, unimpressed. Jay's drone hover above him.
Steffi: ...

PANEL: Close-up of a foot travelling at speed.

PANEL: It is revealed that the foot is attached to another girl, who stamps violently on Jay's back while he is prone on the floor. Steffi is confused by this turn of events.
SFX (Jay's back): CRUNCH! CRUNCH!
Jay: Guaaahhhh!
Girl: So WHAT are we doin' here, hey? Having fun with lil' girls after you left me behind ya, HAH!? Win a big prize in that tournament and don't share it with me, huh? TAKE THAT AND THAT, ya little jerk!!

PANEL: The girl pulls out a gun and cocks the barrel with a "click".
Girl: I think I told you...don't try to trick Chloe Vannix, or you will die a painful death.

PANEL: With one foot still on Jay, Chloe aims the gun at Jay's head. Steffi aggravatedly flaps her arms. Nearby, Ralph appears and eagerly watches, steepling his fingers together.
Chloe: But I think I'll make an exception here and deliver a swift death to you, white rat...
Steffi: Ja! Kill him! He has lured me into a sand trap!
Ralph: Yesss, kill him, so that we will have an easier run to the finals heheh!

PANEL: Chloe spins around and fires two shots at Ralph. One bullet knocks his fez off of his head, passing right through it.
Chloe: I smell a rat! Take that, you lil' thief! I saw how you tried to steal the lascannon off my ship, bastard!
Ralph: Uh-oh, better run!

PANEL: Chloe grips Jay by the collar, pulling his face up to hers. Jay is completely out of it from his kicking.
Chloe: And YOU...I know you somehow managed to win the first round, so you'll live, for now. But I, as your manager, will get 95 percent of the prize if you WANT to live...
Jay: Okay...I...I'll what you want...*cough*...p...please let me down now...okay? Wanna sleep now...(greedy bitch!)

PANEL: An emoji face of Jay looking peeved.
Jay: Why are girls so violent? *Sigh*