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White Division Dinner

Current Chapter - Round 2: The Lesser of Three Evils

White Division Dinner


Episode published on Saturday 23rd of February, 2008.

By Hunter-Wolf


Another sampling from Hunter-Wolf. By this point the Docs were obviously running amok within the MTX grounds, and most of their mischief was out of my hands. Damn enjoyable to watch, though! This is something that, in my opinion, defines a truly enjoyable OC tournament from the standard - when entrants contribute small snippets of delight like this to tie into the whole atmosphere of the tournament environment. Of course, I would say this as I was just incredibly lucky that the Docs were liked and received so many cameos. It's a shame that SN did not receive the acclaimed attention it should have within the deviantART community (although it did catch the eye of many a mech enthusiast, methinks).

This spectator entry amused me immensely, since by complete chance there was another entry by Asgar19 which featured Ralph stealing a motor part that looks nearly identical to the one that ended up on the plate in this page (see it here. It's not getting featured on this site because, no offence to Asgar19, but it's not nearly as polished as his other pages). It was as if there really was some sort of coherent flow to everything happening! I was gobsmacked.

Although not overtly stated in later pages, the alliance between the Docs and the wünderkind Henry III would prove to be a vital link indeed (and would, in the very least, allow a few plot holes to be filled). Thanks again, Hunter-Wolf.

You can view (and comment if you have a deviantART account) the original version of this page here.


  • Dee (crazy woman with goggles) copyright © Khaiya.
  • Otamie a.k.a "Mr. Awesome" (guy with palm-tree hair) copyright © Otamie.
  • Vincent (guy who thinks in long words) copyright © Kitfox-Crimson.
  • Marcus and Erin (the two sharing a seat) copyright © Starbomber109.
  • Mr. Caster (you should know him from a few pages back) copyright © Balrogon.
  • Dominic (guy with Star Trek goggles) copyright © Inum.
  • Tremor (the blind robot) copyright © Degulus.
  • Steel Nation copyright © Dire-Musaera.
  • And, of course, this page, Henry III and Jin copyright © Hunter-Wolf



No transcript available.