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Overtime: The Two Doctors vs. Joshua Waite (Part 4)

Current Chapter - Overtime: The Two Doctors vs. Joshua Waite

Overtime: The Two Doctors vs. Joshua Waite (Part 4)


Episode published on Monday 30th of November, 2009.

And so the epic fight ends.

Jazon19 began his competing entry, but due to time commitments he bowed out graciously (bit of a shame, given how well his started!).

Overtime was started around January 2009 and ended November 30, 2009 - that's almost a full year for one four-part episode! Still, it looks great and I passed my course, so I look back fondly.

Dr. Joshua Waite, Shoggy, Fluxie and the Ftagn copyright © Jazon19.



No transcript available.