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Overtime: The Two Doctors vs. Joshua Waite (Part 3)

Current Chapter - Overtime: The Two Doctors vs. Joshua Waite

Overtime: The Two Doctors vs. Joshua Waite (Part 3)


Episode published on Monday 30th of November, 2009.

I'm quite a fan of Army of Darkness (Evil Dead 3), as is Jazon19. In fact we met online due to a bad piece of fanart I drew. We're still friends!

I can't remember why the Mayor of Townsville and Ms. Sara Bellum show up. All it does is reveal that I used to watch The Powerpuff Girls. It seemed like a good idea at the time?

The final panel, with all the doctors hurtling towards a cliff/Cliff Richard sign, is a reference to the ending of the Young Ones TV show. Also Waite was shown to be spending most of his time watching Young Ones DVDs so I thought it was a nice callback.

And yes, you are supposed to believe that the mechs turned a city into a desert wasteland within five hours!

Dr. Joshua Waite, Shoggy, Fluxie and the Ftagn copyright © Jazon19.



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