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All Your Base

Current Chapter - Round 3: The Doctors vs. Da iLLMaTiC CReW

All Your Base


Episode published on Saturday 5th of April, 2008.

By Degulus

...And just as it seems Caster would leave the Santris confrontation with some of his dignity intact, Santris inevitably pulls out a huge taser-sword and goes 24th century on Caster's henchmen. And then Santris Industries takes over Caster's gigantic floating island. A "hostile takeover", if you will.

So now it's back to the Docs vs. Santris. Or is it?...

You can see (and comment if you have a deviantART account) the original version of this page here.

If you really want to know what happened to Degulus' Act 4-2, you can see it here. I didn't include it as it didn't seem particularly relevant to the Docs, and I'm paying for this webspace so I get to choose what gets hosted!


  • Dr. Grenner, Dr. Santris and Project Z copyright © Degulus.
  • Caster and his henchmen copyright © Balrogon.



No transcript available.