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Looking Glass

Current Chapter - Round 1: Clash of the Russians

Looking Glass


Episode published on Sunday 10th of February, 2008.

By Degulus

In 3D!

Yes, another page not created by myself, but this time from a talented 3D modelling chap who goes by the moniker of "Degulus".

The Docs only get a minor cameo here, which will lead on to a bigger role in the next page. It was really unexpected at the time though - I was stunned with flattery and excitement. Despite the fact that it's a minor cameo, I've kept this and the following two pages together as they fit so nicely. They're actually the prologue for his second round, which you can read here if you want to.

You can view (and comment if you have a deviantART account) the original version of this page here.




TITLE: Act 2-1: Looking Glass

PANEL: Dr. Alba walks down another of the MTX's corridors.
Voice: ALBA!

PANEL: Alba turns to see who is calling out for her.
Voice: Yo! Alba!

PANEL: It turns out to be Jeff Castleroch, the MTX official who gave the introduction presentation. He presents her with a clipboard.
Jeff: Sorry, with all the commotion for the first round I hadn't gotten a chance to talk to really talk to you yet...I've got something you should probably see.

PANEL: Alba reads off of the paper on the clipboard.
Dr. Alba: "Scientist slays twenty: Doctor Nathan Grenner leads a team of interns to their deaths."

PANEL: Alba angrily throws the clipboard to the ground.
Dr. Alba: Damn it! This is a tournament not a criminal convention! Next you are going to tell me the 5 year old is running around killing people!

PANEL: The conversation continues. Behind Jeff a tall shadow dominates the wall behind him.
Jeff: The story goes that this Grenner guy, ten years ago he built this portal thing. He sets off to the other side with those 20 interns and he's the only one who comes back. The police investigated but-

PANEL: Jeff is interrupted by a very, very tall man behind him who is leaning forward with his hands behind his back. The man has black spikey hair, a black goatee, a black top with a red ruff and beige trousers. There are odd markings on the man's cheeks.
Grenner: Oh, may I tell this part? It is such a lovely tale, isn't it?

PANEL: Jeff spins around and is surprised by the immensely tall man behind him.
Jeff: Wh-where the hell did you come from?
Grenner: This IS a public hallway, Mr. Castleroch. In fact, this is one of the most public hallways here, we're in the hotel for competitors or did you not notice where you were? I was just on my way to meet up with someone, but your conversation was just too interesting to pass up.

PANEL: Grenner continues talking. Jeff is aghast while Alba frowns angrily.
Grenner: As Mr. Castleroch has said, the police began to investigate but they were too fearful to venture into the actual crime scene on the other side of my portal.

PANEL: Grenner clenches a fist as he continues to explain.
Grenner: They looked around my lab for weeks but the investigation was pointless. Eventually the consensus was reached that the other side of the portal was another world and well outside of their jurisdiction. The case was dropped at that point.

PANEL: Grenner seems bored as he looks off to one side, continuing the explanation.
Grenner: I didn't kill them, you know...they went mad and attacked one another. It was something about that place, something even a hazmat suit can't protect from.

PANEL: Grenner folds his arms. Alba remains skeptical.
Dr. Alba: That's absurd! Do you actually expect people to believe that?

PANEL: Grenner continues to look bored.
Grenner: I believe my rendition of events was a tad more believable back then, my condition was much worse at the time.

PANEL: Alba and Jeff.
Dr. Alba: Condition?

PANEL: Grenner.
Grenner: You see, I don't look the way I do for nothing. That world made monsters of us. It has taken years of immense study to return me this close to being human again.

PANEL: The conversation is interrupted by the two doctors, deep in conversation as they walk past, ignoring the other three people in the corridor.
Ralph: -perhaps we can just blow the whole damned thing up?
Gyrode: No, I think more subtlety is required...

PANEL: Grenner seems mildly annoyed having seen the two doctors.
Grenner (thinking): It's them...those bastards...here of all places!

PANEL: Grenner smiles at Jeff and Alba.
Grenner: Well, it really has been a joy sharing my tale with you two but there are a few people I need to talk to. And the list just keeps getting longer.