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Hunted by a Freak I

Current Chapter - War at MTX

Hunted by a Freak I


Episode published on Tuesday 24th of June, 2008.

By Red-Rook

This epic confrontation was a joint venture I'd worked out with Red-Rook beforehand.

He provided these marvellous pulp-noir-esque pages for his bits. You can view (and comment on if you have a deviantART account) the original version of this page here.

Also, I think one of my favourite pictures of the Docs was this one, which was just R-R practicing drawing them!


  • Dr. Grenner and Biode/Advent Core copyright © Degulus.
  • BIA clones, the Mechannon and Seminoid copyright © Red-Rook.
  • Clyde Dore and the USB2000 copyright © Serain.
  • Mr. Wulg copyright © Quronocci.



No transcript available.