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Apocalypse: Prototype

Current Chapter - Apocalypse


Episode published on Tuesday 11th of August, 2009.

By Degulus

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And now the epic conclusion to the Santris subplot. This was the last page Degulus submitted to Steel Nation, because like the rest of us he'd succumbed to utter spectator fatigue and most of the buzz around Steel Nation was completely dead - people had just lost interest. He rightly decided to channel his efforts into working on his webcomic, Suppression.

I'm glad he made the effort to bring this chapter to a close, though. It nicely capped off the Docs' confrontation with Santris Industries! If you'd like to know what happens to Santris and Grenner, go check out Suppression (it's an alternate continuity, but they appear!). In this universe? I like to think Santris and Grenner went to watch wrestling, or something. All the blood zombies and psychotic mechs got bored and walked off somewhere.

I remember writing most of Gyrode's dialogue here, because over the course of the tournament I'd been dying to sacrifice him for the cause of DRAMA, for some mad reason. In fact, my original plan was for him to suicide-bomb Santris' base and have close ups of explosions while Ray Charles played in the background. Don't worry, I'm over it now: Dr. Gyrode is here to stay! At least until SEGA try to sue my arse.

Special thanks again to Degulus, it was interesting writing against him! We both won a runner-up prize for our stories based around the tournament.

You can view (and comment on if you have a deviantART account) the original version of this page here.




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